Management Formats and Strategies for Upgrading the Project to Produce and Distribute Textbooks and Academic Works (COPAG PRESS) to a Publishing




Strategy; , Publisher; , Textbook Project; , Management


Background and Aims: Study of management models and strategies to upgrade the project to produce and distribute textbooks and academic works (COPAG PRESS) for publishing. Have a purpose To study the formats and strategies of publishing. and guidelines for setting up a publishing house project to produce and distribute textbooks to develop into publishing in the future.

Methodology: This paper operates by using qualitative research methods (qualitative research) with the process of studying and analyzing data from documents or documentary research.

Results: The operation of the project was to produce and disseminate textbooks and academic works. The strategy used to manage publishing houses is the marketing mix strategy (7P's), and support to find methods for upgrading the project to produce and disseminate textbooks and academic works (COPAG PRESS) to the status of publishing to increase income streams for the agency. In addition, finding tools to support and adapt them to make management more efficient. For formats and strategies for managing publishing the principle of creating new knowledge for the literary world should be adhered to and there should always be a push for faculty members or affiliated writers to be popular with readers. There are activities to promote marketing and give importance to writers being able to create new things. Support is given to establish or upgrade the establishment of a publishing house under the management of the project to produce and distribute textbooks and results. Academic work generates income for the agency and also increases the opportunity for writers who want to publish their work for distribution to those interested in using the information for further use.

Conclusion:  This project is powered by COPAG PRESS, using a strong marketing mix strategy to enhance academic publishing. Ensure effective management and support the establishment of a publishing house This initiative will not only help increase agency revenue. But it also promotes a dynamic literary landscape. Encourage writers to contribute new knowledge. and expand access to valuable academic content for a broad audience.


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How to Cite

Pimjanna, K. (2024). Management Formats and Strategies for Upgrading the Project to Produce and Distribute Textbooks and Academic Works (COPAG PRESS) to a Publishing. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 45–60.