The Problem of the Document Management System in Mahasarakham University
Document System Problems;, Document Work; , Public MediaAbstract
Background and Aims: Correspondence work is a document or book that is made to be used as a tool as evidence in management and as a medium for communication and understanding between agencies and agencies, agencies and individuals, and individuals and individuals. It is also a reminder of the organization and is something of historical value for use in future studies and research. It also helps the organization's various operations to be more flexible and efficient. This research has two primary objectives: first, to investigate the issues surrounding the document management system at Mahasarakham University, and second to explore potential enhancements for this system.
Methodology: The study's purposive sampling comprises administrative personnel responsible for the overall management of teaching and learning across all 20 faculties at the university, handling closely related documents. Research tools employed include a 5-point Rating Scale questionnaire, with data analysis involving statistical methods such as frequency distribution, mean values, and standard deviation.
Results: The findings indicate that administrative staff in faculties responsible for teaching and learning express the highest level of concern regarding government documents, while their concerns about document destruction are at the lowest level. Key recommendations for improving the document management system center on staff training for document management, particularly for regulatory changes, and the development of technological solutions to enhance document-related efficiency.
Conclusion: The feedback from administrative personnel overseeing the educational management of 20 faculties at Maha Sarakham University underscores a pressing need for enhancements in the institutional document management system. The highest concern pertains to document compilation processes, warranting immediate attention through targeted staff training, particularly in adapting to regulatory changes, alongside a continuous commitment to advancing information technology systems for heightened operational efficiency.
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