Innovative Leadership of Educational Institution Administrators under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area 2




Leadership; , Innovative Leadership;, Educational Institution Administrators


Background and Aims: Innovative Leadership is an important competency that school administrators and teachers must have to create awareness and change attitudes, including the ability to transform oneself into an innovative leader, being able to learn new skills, and have a framework to develop oneself into an innovative leader who can bring creative ideas and turn them into actions to benefit the educational institution. Thus, the objectives of this research are to 1) study the innovative leadership of educational institution administrators. Under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area 2. 2) Compare the innovative leadership of school administrators Under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area 2. Classified by work experience and the size of the educational institution.

Methodology: The sample group used in the research included 306 school administrators and teachers. The research instrument is a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with a consistency index between 0.80-1.00 and a confidence value for the entire questionnaire of 0.81. Statistics used for data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, and deviation. standard t-test and F-test.

Results: (1) Innovative leadership of educational institution administrators Under the jurisdiction of the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, the overall level is at a high level. (2) Educational institution administrators and teachers with different working experiences Have opinions on the innovative leadership of educational institution administrators Under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, Overall, they are not different. (3) Educational institution administrators and teachers working in educational institutions of different sizes. Have opinions on the innovative leadership of educational institution administrators Under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, Overall, they are not different.

Conclusion: The innovative leadership status of educational administrators in the Nakhon Sawan Education Area Office, District 2, is at a high level. Educational administrators and teachers with different work experiences have similar opinions on the innovative leadership status of administrators in the affiliated schools of the Nakhon Sawan Education Area Office, District 2. Similarly, there is no statistical difference in opinions among administrators and teachers working in schools of different sizes.


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How to Cite

Asasing, S. ., Mungfaoklang, C. ., Kohtbantau, S. ., Sawandee, S., & Boonthom, C. . (2023). Innovative Leadership of Educational Institution Administrators under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area 2. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(6), 447–458.