The Relationship Between the School Administrators' Role in the New Normal and Innovator Teachers
School Administrators Role; , Innovator Teachers; , New NormalAbstract
Background and Aims: The coronavirus 2019 crisis has ushered in a new normal. As a result, the current educational arrangement has changed. Students must adjust their learning methods to be consistent with the context. School Administrators in the new normal need to promote and develop innovative teachers to develop and drive innovation in learning management to be efficient, and the most important outcome is the quality of the students. The objectives of this research were to study 1) the level of school administrators' role in the new normal 2) the level of innovator teachers and 3) the relationship between the school administrators' role in the new normal and innovator teachers.
Methodology: The samples were 285 administrators and teachers, which were selected using a stratified random sampling method. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire that has a reliability level of 0.989. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's correlation coefficient test.
Results: The research results revealed that: 1) The school administrator's role is the new normal overall, the average is at the highest level. The highest mean was participatory management and the lowest mean was the organizing of the learning process in the new normal. 2) Innovator teachers overall, the average is at the highest level. The highest means were the questioning skills and the observation skills and the aspect with the lowest mean was the innovative ideas. And 3) The relationship between the school administrators' role in the new normal and innovator teachers. There was a high correlation (r = 0.877) with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.
Conclusion: The role of school administrators in the new normal has the highest average in every aspect, with participatory management having the highest average. And the aspect of organizing the new normal learning process had the lowest average. Similarly, Innovative Teachers had the highest averages in all areas, with Questioning Skills and Observation Skills having the highest averages. And the aspect of having innovative ideas had the lowest average. Additionally, there is a significant statistical relationship between the role of school administrators in the new normal and teacher innovators by statistical significance.
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