Legal Measures to Protect the Rights of Disciplinary Action of Local Employees: A Case Study of Local Administrative Organizations in Maha Sarakham Province




Rights Protection; , Disciplinary Investigation; , Public Media


Background and Aims: The problem situation with local government employees is becoming more serious day by day, another is the investigation and disciplinary action of local government employees, there is a process of disciplinary investigation of local government officials accused of violating the regulations. This article the objectives are: (1) to study the existing disciplinary investigation patterns for local employees; (2) to analyze rights protection problems for those subject to disciplinary actions of local employees; and (3) to suggest the development of rights protection. to the disciplinary action taken by local employees, the protection of those subject to disciplinary action will be protected. Those accused of committing an offense related to rules, regulations, or orders should have their rights protected during the disciplinary investigation process.

Methodology: This study used document analysis and related research methods. Analyze the content and present it descriptively according to the study objectives.

Results: The investigation into the facts is up to the disciplinary action of local employees. There is still no clear direction for the local government organization. which shows the importance of protecting the rights of disciplinary persons of local employees, whether it is the rules, methods, and procedures, as well as the examination of various evidence such as documentary witnesses, personal witnesses, and physical witnesses. taken as evidence in disciplinary proceedings before the disciplinary action of local employees, including during the disciplinary investigation of local employees If local governments ignore this problem, it will affect work development and motivation or morale of local employees. Including the efficiency of the operations of local government organizations both directly and indirectly. However, it is found the suggestion for protecting the rights of the accused in the disciplinary investigation of local government employees, that is, establishing a department or organization to protect the rights of local government employees. Acting as a consultant for the rights of the accused It protects the rights directly and provides advice on criteria. Methods and procedures for disciplinary investigation of persons subjected to disciplinary action by local government employees. from the beginning to the disciplinary action Including issuing legal measures for agencies or organizations to protect the rights of those who have been disciplined by employees in the area. There must be a separate structure that is not related to the disciplinary agency, or other agencies that have an interest in the disciplinary process of local employees may prepare rules, regulations, and regulations to support or authorize the duties of the agency or organization that will protect the rights of those who have been disciplined.

Conclusion: Research indicates that in disciplinary investigations of local government employees, local government organizations do not have clear guidelines that protect the rights of those subjected to disciplinary action. Showing disrespect for the rights and efficiency of operations of an organization that does not have a specific structure for protecting the rights of those subject to disciplinary actions of local government employees may have a check effect on the development of the work and motivation of employees. The recommended way to protect the rights of those subjected to disciplinary punishment is to establish an agency or organization that will protect the rights and provide advice in the investigation process, including issuing legal measures for the agency to protect the rights of those being disciplined, disciplinary punishment.


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How to Cite

Bakal, W. . (2023). Legal Measures to Protect the Rights of Disciplinary Action of Local Employees: A Case Study of Local Administrative Organizations in Maha Sarakham Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(6), 201–220.