The Development of Science Learning Activities according to the Buddhist Method Together with Concept Maps of Student Achievement Grade 4
Organizing Learning Activities; , Buddhist Method Together with Concept Maps; , Academic AchievementAbstract
Background and Aims: The development of science learning activities is important and necessary in today's society with rapid advancements in science and technology. The development of activities is the basis that encourages students to develop other higher thinking skills and be able to make decisions. Solve the problem correctly, the researcher is therefore interested in doing this research with the objective (1) Study information on the development of science learning activities. (2) Design science learning activities according to the 80/80 criteria and the effectiveness index. More than 50 percent. (3) Compare the academic achievement of students studying. And (4) Study the satisfaction of students studying.
Methodology: The sample was 26 students, Mathayom 4 at Srisuk Phitthayakhom School, Maha Sarakham Provincial Administrative Organization in the 2nd semester of, the academic year 2021. The research tools include 1) a learning management plan, 2) an academic achievement measurement test, and 3) a satisfaction questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation (SD), and t-test (Dependent Samples).
Results: (1) Developmental results of science learning activities according to Buddhist methods together with concept maps on learning found there were basic concepts of learning activities in a systematic, step-by-step for 6 steps: 1) arouse interest, 2) reflection, 3) practice, 4) information discussion, 5) conclusion, and 6) knowledge application. Opinions of 5 experts on the quality of the activities were at the highest level in all respects, the average is between 4.70- 5.00 indicating that it is suitable for use in teaching and learning activities. (2) Design for the development of science learning activities found that 2.1) the efficiency of science learning activities according to Buddhist methods, 2.2) the effectiveness index of the learning process using the conceptual mapping approach to the conceptual mapping on the learning achievement was 85.02/81.22 according to the 80/80 criterion, and 2.2) the effectiveness index of the learning process using the organization, science learning activities according to the Buddhist method together with the concept map on learning achievement was .6331 higher than the specified criteria. (3) The students' learning achievement by using science learning activities after studying is higher than before with statistically significant at .01 level. (4) the students had satisfaction with their learning by using science learning activities as a whole and each item was at a high level.
Conclusion: The study found that the science learning activities developed through the Buddhist method and concept maps had a structured 6-step process, which was unanimously praised by experts for their suitability for teaching. The effectiveness of the design is demonstrated by its effectiveness in science learning. Crossing the threshold for success and significantly improving student learning outcomes High student satisfaction also underscores the success of these activities in promoting better understanding and participation in science education.
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