The Problem-Based Science Learning Management on Work and Energy to Develop Integrated Science Process Skills of Grade 10 Students




Problem-based Learning Management;, Integrated Science Process Skills; , Learning Achievement


Background and Aims: Organizing learning using a problem-based model is a teaching and learning environment that uses problems to help students learn and gain knowledge according to the goals. The teacher will give examples of situations that are real problems in teaching and practice the process of analyzing problems and solving problems together as a group. This will help students understand the problem clearly. Thus, this research aimed to achieve two objectives: 1) to compare the integrated science process skills of grade 10 students before and after implementing problem-based learning management on the topic of work and energy, and 2) to assess the learning achievement in work and energy for grade 10 students using problem-based learning, with a criterion of 70 percent as the benchmark.

Methodology: the study involved 16 students from grade 10 at Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Demonstration School during the second semester of the academic year 2022. The research tools included six problem-based learning management plans focusing on work and energy, an assessment form for integrated science process skills comprising two items with scoring rubrics, and an achievement test on work and energy consisting of 20 items.

Results: 1) The integrated science process skills of grade 10 students significantly improved after receiving problem-based learning management at the statistical significance level of .05. 2) The learning achievement of grade 10 students after studying was higher than the criteria of 70 percent with a statistical significance at the .05 level.

Conclusion: The problem-based learning management made the integrated science skills of Mathayom 4 students statistically better and their academic achievement increased at the .05 level of statistical significance, especially the science process skills.


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How to Cite

Kalong, S., & Worakham, P. . (2024). The Problem-Based Science Learning Management on Work and Energy to Develop Integrated Science Process Skills of Grade 10 Students. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 319–332.