The Model for Administration of Information and Communication Technology in Digital Age for School under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1




Model; , Management; , Information Technology; , Communication


The important goal of education management is to have an education system that responds to and keeps up with changes in the dynamic world and changing contexts. All learners, all target groups, receive educational services with equal quality standards. Therefore, the management of information technology and communication within educational institutions will affect the development of learning management between teachers and learners to be appropriate and quality. This will be an important mechanism for developing the quality of learners to have knowledge, skills, and desirable characteristics. The purpose of this research is to develop a management model for information and communication technology in the digital age for schools under the Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, by conducting 3 steps: Step 1 studying the problem and needs assessment on the management of information technology and communications in school under the Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 from documents and questionnaire with 20 school directors. Step 2 Create and examine the model, by using the drafted data, and evaluating the accuracy and suitability of the model through expert-based based seminars with focus group discussions. Step 3 evaluates the model to verify the possibilities and benefits with questionnaires from 20 experts who are the school stakeholders. The research results revealed that the model for the administration of information and communication technology in the digital age for schools under the Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 consists of 3 main components, which are 1)Information and communication technology framework with 5 sub-components: information and communication technology infrastructure; information and data collection work; development; review and analyze data; and apply information and communication technology in education. 2) Information and communication technology management operations with 6 steps: planning; organizing; acting; controlling, follow-up and evaluating; improving; and integrating. 3) Factors affecting the use of information and communication technology with 3 factors: information and communication technology strategy; the role of supporting personnel; and the teacher competency development process. From the results of the evaluation of the developed model, it was found that the possibilities and benefits are at a high level.


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How to Cite

Sriwongyaddee, S., Sikkhabandit, S. ., & Theerawitthayalert, P. . (2023). The Model for Administration of Information and Communication Technology in Digital Age for School under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 729–754.