The Cooperation of the Population of Isan in Solid Waste Management: An Investigation Undertaken at the Isan Subdistrict Municipality Mueng Buriram District Buriram Province




Participation; , Solid Waste Management;, Public Media


Allowing the public to participate in solid waste management, encouraging people to have the correct knowledge and understanding of solid waste management, able to reduce the amount of solid waste that must be disposed of to a minimum, solid waste can be utilized. Both in terms of reusing and processing for reuse, people can reduce the amount of solid waste will result in a good environment, people's health is healthy, and the landscape is beautiful. Including the benefit of cutting waste to sell to increase family income. The objectives of this study were to 1) to examine the level of public participation in household solid waste management of the communities in Isan Sub-district, Mueang Buriram District, Buriram Province; and 2) to investigate the opinions and suggestions of the people about household solid waste management of the communities in Isan Sub-district, Mueang Buriram District, Buriram Province. The sample size was 375 people determined by using the table of Krejcie and Morgan, and then, randomly distributed among the villages proportionately by simple random sampling method. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation (S.D.). The results showed that the public participation in household solid waste management of the communities in Isan Sub-district, Mueang Buriram District, Buriram Province, overall, was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that all aspects were also at a high level. The aspect with the highest mean was the participation in activities, followed by the participation in benefits, the participation in evaluation, and the participation in decision-making, respectively. Regarding the opinions and suggestions, the opinion and suggestion with the highest number was that the local government organizations and relevant agencies should educate people about waste separation, followed by creating awareness among the people and providing enough separate garbage bins to be sufficient for the amount of waste, respectively.


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How to Cite

Pralomluck, K., Phutthipongchaicharn, T. ., & Wichairam, S. . (2023). The Cooperation of the Population of Isan in Solid Waste Management: An Investigation Undertaken at the Isan Subdistrict Municipality Mueng Buriram District Buriram Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 881–898.