The Process Causing of Collaboration the Academic Service Project College of Law and Government Sisaket Rajabhat University




Process; , Collaboration Model; , Academic Service.


Academic service to society and community is one of the offensive lines concretely defined by providing academic service to the community from higher education institutions. In general, it focuses on promoting and opening up educational opportunities for people both inside and outside the teaching and learning system to increase educational equality and promote people's well-being. This academic paper aims to present the concept of the process that leads to the collaboration model of the Academic Service Project of the College of Law and Government. Sisaket Rajabhat University is a local higher education institution with the main mission of providing academic services that meet the needs of the local community by applying knowledge from curriculum development Teaching and learning management that is consistent with the context of the community and society. Including the knowledge gained from research or research to be used in providing academic services to the community. Integrate collaboration in academic service with local agencies. as well as build a strong network of academic cooperation, However, the implementation of academic service projects is comparable to the implementation of the organization's policies. The process of implementing such policies is therefore not limited to government organizations. and unilateral bureaucracy but also the private sector and the local communities involved in the process of cooperation. Knowing the collaboration process can lead to the presentation of a collaboration model as a guideline that will facilitate the development of an effective collaboration network.


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How to Cite

Malithai, P., & Phansanit, A. . (2023). The Process Causing of Collaboration the Academic Service Project College of Law and Government Sisaket Rajabhat University. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 867–880.