Problem-based Learning Management with Graphic Organizer to improve Collaborative Problem-Solving Competency and Academic Achievement for Grand 11 Students on Photosynthesis




Problem-based Learning Management Graphic organizer; , Problem-solving Competency; , Academic achievement


The development of cooperative problem-solving competencies is a learning management process that begins with problems and uses group work processes to solve problems or situations related to everyday life. This is in line with the problem-based learning management approach used in science learning management to raise the level of science learning achievement in solving problems in real life. Thus, the purposes of this research were 1) to develop a Problem-based Learning Management together with Graphic Organizer (PBL-MGO) plans to improve collaborative problem-solving Competency and academic achievement, 2) to study the collaborative problem-solving Competency of the students before and after the PBL-MGO learning management, and 3) to compare the academic achievements on Photosynthesis after the PBL-MGO learning management with the criteria of 75 percent. The target group of this study was 31 grade 11 students from the Cluster Random Sampling technique. The study was conducted in the second semester of the 2022 academic year for 5 weeks, 3 hours a week, a total of 15 hours. Research tools include 1) PBL-MGO plans on Photosynthesis using the 5 teaching methods of the Office of the Secretary-General of the Education Council, 15 hours of instruction; 2) A Collaborative Problem-Solving Competency Test, one situation with validity at 0.96; and 3) An Academic Achievement Test, 30 items of four-choice tests with difficulty (p) between 0.26-0.86, discrimination index ( r) between 0.24-0.76, and validity at 0.92. The data were analyzed by using average, and standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested by One Sample t-test. The research found that 1) the qualities of all PBL-MGO plans on Photosynthesis show at the highest level (average score 4.51-4.56;  = 0.50-0.68) 2) the collaborative problem-solving Competency of the students after learning via the PBL-MGO management in all aspects was higher than before learning, and 3) academic achievement average score on Photosynthesis of the students after learned via the PBL-MGO learning management was statistically higher than the 75 percentage criteria at the .05 level of significant difference.


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How to Cite

Bunloisong, N., & Jansawang, N. . (2023). Problem-based Learning Management with Graphic Organizer to improve Collaborative Problem-Solving Competency and Academic Achievement for Grand 11 Students on Photosynthesis. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 447–464.