Developing the Ability to Solve Mathematical Problems on Factorization of Polynomials of Mathayomsuksa 2 Students Using STAD Cooperative Learning Management Technique




Development; , Problem-solving; , Mathematics; , Polynomial Factorization


Mathematics is an important science in which the study of mathematics has the desired goals for the learners. Upon completion of the course, students will have knowledge and understanding of concepts, principles, and theories in mathematics that are essential and can be applied. Thus, the purposes of this research were 1) to develop a collaborative learning activity using the STAD technique on polynomial factorization; of Mathayomsuksa 2 students 2) to compare their ability to solve mathematical problems on polynomial factorization 3) to study student satisfaction with learning by using STAD technique cooperative learning activities. Maha Sarakham Secondary Educational Service Area Office, semester 2, academic year 2021, 40 students using group random sampling technique. The research tools were 1) a cooperative learning activity plan, STAD technique, and 2) a mathematical problem-solving ability test. subjective with a discriminant power between 0.35 - 0.62 and the results of the analysis of difficulty (P) between 0.38 - 0.71, the reliability of the whole paper was .94. 3) Satisfaction questionnaire with a 5-point rating scale. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation, and Dependent Samples t-test. The research results were as follows: (1) The efficiency of the STAD cooperative learning activity on the polynomial factorization of Mathayomsuksa 2 students was 77.25/77.83, higher than the criteria of 70/70 set. (2) Ability to solve mathematical problems on the polynomial factorization of Mathayomsuksa 2 students using STAD cooperative learning activities after learning was higher than before at the statistical significance at the .05 level, and (3) the analysis of student satisfaction questionnaires by using STAD cooperative learning activities on polynomial factorization Mathayomsuksa 2 level was at a high level.


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How to Cite

Arsapa, N. ., Janthachum, N. ., & Pharanat, W. . (2023). Developing the Ability to Solve Mathematical Problems on Factorization of Polynomials of Mathayomsuksa 2 Students Using STAD Cooperative Learning Management Technique. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 851–866.