Analytical Thinking and Academic Achievement in Biology on Chromosomes and Genetic Material of Mathayomsuksa 4 students receiving Cooperative Learning Management in STAD format together with Concept Map




STAD; , Concept map; , Analytical Thinking;


Changes in social, economic, environmental, and political conditions in the 21st century are happening rapidly. cause awareness in developing the potential of each country, which the design and arrangement of Learning that is right for students in the 21st century is critical. Therefore, the purposes of this research were; 1) to compare the analytical thinking of grade 10 students before and after the STAD cooperative learning management together with the concept map. 2) to compare the Learning Achievement on Chromosomes and Genetic Material of grade 10 students after the STAD cooperative learning management together with concept map and the 70 percent criteria the sample group consisted of twenty-nine Mathayomsuksa 4 students in the second semester of the academic year 2022 at Chaturaphak Phiman Ratchadaphisek School, Hua Chang Subdistrict, Chaturaphak Phiman District, Roi Et Province from cluster random sampling, using the classroom as the random unit. The research tools were STAD cooperative learning management together with a concept map of 6 plans 12 hours (the most appropriate level, analytical thinking test multiple-choice, 20 items the difficulty (p) 0.22 - 0.59, the discrimination 0.07 - 0.44, and the confidence value 0.52 and academic achievement test multiple-choice, 20 items the difficulty (p) 0.22 - 0.47 and the discriminating power 0.44 - 1.00. The data analysis statistics were mean and standard deviation. Statistics used to test hypotheses were a t-test for the dependent sample and a t-test for one sample. The research found that (1) post-learning analytical thinking using STAD cooperative learning management together with concept map on chromosomes and genetic material. of Mathayomsuksa 4 students had an average score of analytical thinking after learning 10.44, S.D = 2.69, higher than the average before learning to 8.75, S.D. = 2.83, Sig. = .000. (2) The learning achievement of students who used STAD cooperative learning management together with concept maps. There was a mean score of achievement after learning of 14.20, S.D. = 2.39, Sig. = .646 It can be concluded that the students who were managed by the cooperative learning management method STAD together with the concept map. had post-learning achievement not different from the 70% criterion with a statistical significance at the .05 level.


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How to Cite

Kongkham, P., & Jansawang, N. . (2023). Analytical Thinking and Academic Achievement in Biology on Chromosomes and Genetic Material of Mathayomsuksa 4 students receiving Cooperative Learning Management in STAD format together with Concept Map. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 497–510.