Guidelines for Utilizing the Standard Evaluation Results of the Educational Service Area Office for Academic Affairs Administration Quality Development in Thailand




Utilizing the Standard Evaluation Results; , Academic Affairs Administration; , Quality Development


Standardized assessments support the learning and confidence of those involved in the process, and the results of the assessments can be used to more effectively plan or improve projects. Therefore, in evaluating the performance and management of agencies at the policy level, it is necessary to use the evaluation results as important information for policy formulation. Thus, the aims of this research are as follows: (1) to study the implementation of the Educational Service Area Office ‘s Standard evaluation results to improve academic administration; (2) to develop a guideline for utilization of the standard Educational Service Area Office evaluation results for quality development of the academic affairs administration; (3) to examine the guidelines for utilization of the standard Educational Service Area Office evaluation results for quality development of the academic affairs administration. The target groups in this research by purposive sampling: (1) 121 executives and educational staff at the Educational Service Area Office: (2) five experts and executives of the Office of the Basic Education Commission.The research instruments were an interview and a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation statistics, and content analysis. The research findings were as follows: (1) the implementation of the standard evaluation results improved the quality of academic administration in five aspects by a Deming circle (PDCA) as a framework 96.67%; (2) guidelines for utilization of the standard evaluation and the results of the Educational Service Area Office for quality development of academic affairs administration, consisting of five components: (2.1) principles of Utilization-Focused Evaluation; (2.2) Objectives;(2.3) the process is planning the use of assessment results (Plan), implementation of the evaluation results (Do), assessment of the quality of evaluation results (Check), improvements quality (Action); (2.4) stakeholders and roles; and (2.5) conditions and limitations; (3) the quality assessment of guidelines for utilization of the standard evaluation and the results of the Educational Service Area Office for quality development of academic affairs administration were at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Waiprib, S., Tungprapa , T. ., & Naiyapatana, O.- art . (2023). Guidelines for Utilizing the Standard Evaluation Results of the Educational Service Area Office for Academic Affairs Administration Quality Development in Thailand. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 333–354.