The Construction of a Work Readiness Scale for Vocational Students




Work Readiness; , Vocational Students; , Readiness Scale


Work readiness is the capacity or potential of private vocational students to work or perform tasks in the future successfully and achieve their goals. In order to determine how readily students are and at what level they are ready, it is necessary to have tools to measure and assess student readiness. Thus, in this thesis, the researcher constructs and determines (1) the quality of a work readiness scale for vocational students; and constructs (2) the criteria to interpret the meaning of the scores of the scale constructed. The sample used in the research was 1,145 private vocational students in Rayong Province. The research instrument was a work readiness scale for vocational students measuring four components based on the concept of Caballero consisting of personal attributes; organizational knowledge and understanding; work capability; and social intelligence. The quality analysis of a work readiness scale for vocational students using the content validity, the index of item-objective congruence (IOC), and the construct validity by comparing scores between groups using the independent samples t-test, and the validity of the whole scale was 0.970 and each component at 0.896-0.981 using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The criteria to interpret the score meaning was constructed using the t-score. The levels were divided based on the concepts of Clark-Carter.The results showed that the construct validity using the known intergroup score comparison method, there is evidence to support construct validity of the work readiness test (t=-4.831,p=0.000) and the result of criteria to interpret score meaning, the scale has t-score ranging from T16.72 to T74.81 (P0.05 – P99.34), work readiness is high level with t-score ranging from T56.78 and above, relatively high level with t-score ranging from T50.23 to T56.44, relatively low level with t-score ranging from T43.57 to T49.93 and low level with t-score less than T43.57.


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How to Cite

Paenmeon, M., Panidvadtana, P. ., & Srihaset, K. . (2023). The Construction of a Work Readiness Scale for Vocational Students. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 301–314.