The Effects of Learning Experience Provision Using Phenomenon-Based Learning on Creative Problem-Solving Abilities in Young Children




Phenomenon-Based Learning; , Creative Problem-Solving; , Young Children


Phenomenon-based learning is an organized experience that allows the learner to apply the knowledge and concepts of each science. Including practical training in learning reasonably interesting phenomena, students will acquire new knowledge and skills and practice applying to that phenomenon. The objective of this research was to study the effects of phenomenon-based learning experience provision on creative problem-solving abilities in young children. The Target group was 20 female and male 4-5-year-old children who were studying in K2, the 2nd semester, academic year of 2022, Phuket Demonstration School. The research instruments included 24 phenomenon-based learning provisions on creative problem-solving abilities in young children, the assessment form of creative problem-solving abilities for young children, and the observational form of creative problem-solving abilities. The data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The research finding revealed that young children who received the phenomenon-based learning provision had higher creative problem-solving abilities for young children. The children understood the problems and were able to identify a variety of solving methods.

Author Biography

Oraphan Butkatunyoo, Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand

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How to Cite

Tempeim, W. ., Samahito , C. ., & Butkatunyoo, O. . (2023). The Effects of Learning Experience Provision Using Phenomenon-Based Learning on Creative Problem-Solving Abilities in Young Children. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 143–152.