The Study of Mathematical Literacy of Eighth-Grade Students by Using Mathematics Learning Activities Focusing on Open Approach




Open Approach; , Mathematical Literacy; , Mathematics Learning Activities


Mathematical literacy is one of the most important abilities to live in the 21st century. But according to PISA results, the mathematical literacy of Thai students is still lower than the OECD average which implies that mathematics learning management can’t encourage students to learn mathematics with meaning. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to study the mathematical literacy of eighth-grade students by using mathematics learning activities focusing on an open approach. The target group was 44 eighth-grade students. The research instruments were mathematics lesson plans on an open approach and mathematical literacy tests. The researcher analyzed data by using basic statistics which were mode and percentage and analyzed qualitative data using content analysis. Then present the data in the form of analytic descriptions, based on students’ behavior or concepts of problem-solving that represent students’ mathematical literacy. The research findings revealed that 34.09% of the students obtained mathematical literacy scores at a good level and 31.82% at an excellent level from all students. For the problems that the students face in real life, students used mathematical problem-solving processes that demonstrated contiguous mathematical literacy. For example, most students could use various types of polygons to represent a map of Pathumtani to assemble to be close to the given map to calculate the area with the least discrepancy. The students could apply knowledge about the formula for finding the area of polygons to accurately find the approximate area of ​​Pathum Thani Province, while a minority of students could revise the procedures for finding the area with less discrepancy represented by other types of polygons.


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How to Cite

Kachai, P., Ugsonkid, S. ., Chuntra, C. ., & Tangkawsakul, S. (2023). The Study of Mathematical Literacy of Eighth-Grade Students by Using Mathematics Learning Activities Focusing on Open Approach. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 255–270.