The Effects of Folk Dance Activity Provision on Cultural Identity in Young Children
Folk Dance; , Cultural Identity;, Young ChildrenAbstract
At present, children are focusing much of their attention on foreign cultures, including food, costumes, language, music, and symbolic expressions. The imitation of foreign film stars and singers has influenced their culture and resulted in changes in their lives. Because of this, some of these children do not dare to express an interest in the beauty of Thai culture. It is vital to provide young children with both a foundation of cultural knowledge and a sense of cultural awareness so that they will preserve the unique cultural characteristics of their province. The purpose of this study was to study the effects of folk-dance activity provision on cultural identity in young children. The target group was 25 of 4-5 years old, studying in K2, the 2nd semester, the academic year of 2022, at Anubalwatangthong School. The research instruments used in the study were 24 lesson plans on folk dance activities provision for young children and an assessment form on cultural identity in young children. Data was analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The results showed that young children who participated in the folk dance activity provision had higher pretest scores than the posttest ones. The children could tell that farming was the main occupation of the local people. The longest drum in Angthong province is famous and the longest in the world. There is local wood weaving into wickerwork resulting in the local wisdom that creates a career and reputation for the local area. The children were delighted and excited to dance in their own local folk dances. They admired the folk-dance props such as long drums and wickerwork. They could tell that basketry is the local wisdom of people in Ang Thong province.
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