Knowledge, Physical Activities, and Healthy Food Consumption Behavior Towards Nutritional Status of Undergraduate Students at Ramkhamhaeng University under a New Normal Lifestyle




Knowledge of Healthy Foods; , Physical Activities; , Healthy Food Consumption Behavior; , Nutritional; , Living in a New Normal


The coronavirus epidemic of 2019 has had an impact on the economy, society, and style of life. Due to epidemic control policies, a new normal of life has been created in various dimensions, such as learning, working, and people's interactions. This research is a cross-sectional study to investigate the correlation and prediction of healthy food knowledge, physical activities, and healthy food consumption behavior on the nutritional status of undergraduate students at Ramkhamhaeng University under a new normal lifestyle. Data was collected from 566 research participants via online surveys at Ramkhamhaeng University, where undergraduate students served as the study's sample group. The results showed that most of the samples were female (78.4%). Most of them had a high level of knowledge about healthy food (M = 8.35, SD = 1.61). The healthy food consumption behavior was quite average (M = 3.42, SD =.55). The average energy from physical activities for all subjects was 704.991 kcal per day. The mean body mass index was 20.25 (SD = 4.28), which was within the normal range. The mean waist circumference was 75.180 cm (SD = 13.03), which was in the normal range. The findings showed that only physical activity was significantly correlated with waist circumference and body mass index at the .01 level (r = .32 and .37, respectively). The results of the multiple regression analysis showed that the physical activity variable predicted 13.8% of the variance in BMI and that the healthy food consumption behavior and physical activity variables together predicted the variance of waist circumference by 11.4%.


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How to Cite

Rattanasiri, M. (2023). Knowledge, Physical Activities, and Healthy Food Consumption Behavior Towards Nutritional Status of Undergraduate Students at Ramkhamhaeng University under a New Normal Lifestyle. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 899–918.