Organizing Cooperative Learning Activities in Conjunction with the GeoGebra Program That Promotes Algebraic Thinking and Geometric Thinking Levels




Organizing Cooperative Learning Activities; , GeoGebra Program; , Algebraic Thinking; , Geometric Thinking Level


The objective of this research is to promote mathematics teaching and learning activities that facilitate effective learning of mathematics, enabling students to collaborate and help each other in problem-solving efficiently. Emphasizing mathematical and spatial thinking skills is of great importance for students. Therefore, the objectives of this research are as follows: 1) To develop collaborative learning activities using the GeoGebra program that meet the criteria of 75/75 effectiveness. 2) To study the impact of mathematical and spatial thinking skills. 3) To compare the levels of mathematical and spatial thinking with a score criterion of 70.
4) To examine the effectiveness index of collaborative learning activities using the GeoGebra program. 5) To investigate the satisfaction of students with collaborative learning activities using the GeoGebra program. The sample group used in the research consists of 39 students from the 3rd year of Vapi Pattana School. The research tools used include 1) Collaborative learning activities combined with the GeoGebra program. 2) Mathematical thinking assessment tests and geometric thinking level assessments. 3) Satisfaction surveys of students who learned through collaborative learning activities combined with the GeoGebra program. The statistical measures used in the research include frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The study found that: 1) Collaborative learning activities combined with the GeoGebra program had an effective learning activity organization with a score of 74.00/76.25. 2) Students had the highest level of mathematical thinking in terms of component awareness and basic geometric thinking, with a percentage of 94.87 and a level of 0, respectively. (3) The mathematical thinking and geometric thinking of the students were significantly higher than the criterion at a statistical significance level of .05, with percentages of 85.50 and 80.10, respectively, indicating an excellent level. 4) The effectiveness index of collaborative learning activities combined with the GeoGebra program was 73.65. 5) Students' satisfaction with the collaborative learning activities combined with the GeoGebra program was at the highest level, with an average score of 4.59.


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How to Cite

Anuchat, B. ., & Nontapa, R. . (2023). Organizing Cooperative Learning Activities in Conjunction with the GeoGebra Program That Promotes Algebraic Thinking and Geometric Thinking Levels. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 625–646.