The Development of Mathematics Learning by Using Inquiry-based Learning Management (5E) Combined with Higher order Questioning of Grade 8 Students




Mathematics Learning; , Inquiry-Based Learning Management (5E);, Higher Order Questions


The development of mathematics learning by using inquiry-based learning management (5E) combined with higher order questioning of grade 8 students had the objectives of (1) to develop inquiry-based learning management (5E) combined with higher order questioning of grade 8 students to be effective according to the 70/70 criterion. (2) to study the mathematics learning outcomes of grade 8 students after receiving inquiry-based learning management (5E) combined with higher-order questioning. and (3) to compare the mathematics learning outcomes of grade 8 students after receiving inquiry-based learning management (5E) combined with higher-order questioning against the 70 percent threshold. The sample used in the research was 40 students in grade 8, room 2/9, Wapi Pathum School. The research tools were learning management plans using inquiry-based learning management (5E) combined with higher-order questioning and math learning quizzes. The data was analyzed using written analysis, analytical lectures, and basic statistics, including mean, percentage, and standard deviation and the statistics used to test the hypothesis were One Sample test. The results showed that (1) the learning management with inquiry (5E) combined with higher-order questioning of grade 8 students was effective at 75.28/78.23. (2) Mathematics learning outcomes of grade 8 students after receiving inquiry-based learning management (5E) combined with higher-order questioning at a very good level, and (3) Mathematics learning outcomes of grade 8 students after receiving inquiry-based learning management (5E) combined with higher order questioning after learning higher than the criteria of 70 percent with a statistical significance at the .05 level.


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How to Cite

Junthachai, N. ., & Nontapa, R. . (2023). The Development of Mathematics Learning by Using Inquiry-based Learning Management (5E) Combined with Higher order Questioning of Grade 8 Students. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 201–218.