The Development of Mathematical Learning Achievement on Multiplication Using Skill Exercises for Prathomsuksa 2 Students at Suraohayeemina School
Mathematics Learning Achievement; , Multiplication; , Skill ExercisesAbstract
Mathematics education aims to study problem-solving methods to improve student performance. Skills exercises and tests are tools that can effectively train students to develop thinking skills and enable self-learning based on individual abilities. These tools also allow teachers to assess and evaluate learners efficiently, resulting in comprehensive learning outcomes. The use of skills exercises and tests provides an additional option to ensure comprehensive measurement of learning outcomes in the content. Therefore, this research aims to create efficient multiplication skills exercise for Prathomsuksa 2 students at the standard criteria of 80/80 and compare mathematics learning achievement on multiplication of PrathomSuksa 2 students before and after using the exercise. The study sample consists of 35 PrathomSuksa 2 students from Suraohayeemina School in the 2022 academic year, selected through purposive sampling. The research tools used include 1) a skills exercise on multiplication for PrathomSuksa 2 students and 2) a mathematics learning outcome assessment test on multiplication for PrathomSuksa 2 students, with difficulty values ranging from 0.24 - 0.72, discrimination indices ranging from 0.20 - 0.75, and a reliability coefficient of 0.82. Statistical analysis used in data interpretation includes percentages, means, standard deviations, and t-tests. The results of the study were as follows. 1) The effectiveness of the mathematics skills exercise on multiplication for PrathomSuksa 2 students yielded a score of 83.63/85.16, which surpasses the predetermined criterion. 2) This suggests that the exercise was highly effective in improving students' multiplication skills. The learning outcomes in mathematics, specifically in multiplication, showed a significant increase after using the skills exercise. The post-learning scores were statistically higher than the pre-learning scores at a significance level of.05.
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