Factors Affecting Operation of Health Management Subdistrict Nasang Subdistrict, Sriwilai District, Bungkan Province: Case study the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Health Management Sub-district; , Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) EpidemicAbstract
Surveillance measures implementation situation Prevent and control coronavirus infection. 2019 (COVID-19) at the provincial, district, and community levels, including setting up 4 checkpoints for screening travelers entering and leaving the province along the provincial border: 1) Pak Khat district checkpoint at the intersection of red lights (Pak Khat - So Phisai). 2) So Phisai District Checkpoint in front of So Phisai Subdistrict Administrative Organization 3) Seka District Checkpoint in front of Ban Tha Kok Daeng School 4) Bueng Khong Long District Checkpoint at Dong Bang Subdistrict Intersection and from the incidence of disease in new patients Research on Factors Affecting the Implementation of Tambon Health Management, Na Saeng Sub-district, Sriwilai District, Buengkan Province The objectives were as follows: 1) to study the participation behavioral factors in health management in Na Saeng sub-district, Sriwilai district, Buengkan province; In the situation of the epidemic of coronavirus infection 2019(COVID-19) is a quantitative research study. The researcher collected data by using a questionnaire. From the sample population in the responsible area of Na Saeng Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital, Sriwilai District, Buengkan Province. The sample group used in this research used Taro Yamane's calculation formula at a confidence level of 95% and a level of error of 5%, consisting of 375 people, consisting of health officers. Public health volunteers, community leaders, local representatives’ health fund representatives, monks, teachers, and the general public Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research period was between September 2021 to August 2022. The research results found that the management of the situation is continuous. People pay attention to the measures of Bueng Kan Province. Have confidence in management to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) at the highest level 4.73 Having morale in coping with the epidemic situation at the highest level 4.68 Behavior of washing hands with soap and water or frequently using alcohol gel at a high level 4.80 Wearing a mask or cloth mask Avoid going to crowded places. Keep the distance between people at the highest level. 3.83 People practice at a high level. To avoid sharing meals with others Wearing a surgical mask or cloth mask when people come to the house and go out as needed, at a high level Participated in the operation at a high level, 29.9 percent, followed by the highest level, 21.9 percent, participated in the assessment at a moderate level, 17.3 percent, and prided in participating in surveillance, prevention, control Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, highest level, 57.8%
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