Necessary Requirements for the New Management of Small Schools under the Office of Sa Kaeo Primary Education Service Area 2




Needs Assessment; , The New Management of Small Schools


Development in a new way to set guidelines for managing small schools by having a school quality improvement plan, and proactive public relations to create awareness among students, parents, communities, and stakeholders about the need to improve the quality of small schools. Thus, the purpose of this research was to study the current situation and the need for the new management of small schools under Sa Kaeo Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The sample group was 37 school administrators, 203 teachers, a total of 240 people. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire. The statistics used in the research were mean and standard deviation. Needs were analyzed using a dual-response prioritization technique with the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNImodified). The findings were as follows: (1) the status quo in the new management of small schools; under the Office of Sa Kaeo Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 as a whole. (2) The state that should be in the new management of small schools under the Office of Sa Kaeo Primary Educational Service Area 2. Overall, there is a state that should be in practice at the medium level. the highest level, and (3) the need for In the new management of small schools under the Sa Kaeo Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 overall, the needs were at a moderate level. Necessities were at high levels, in terms of process management leadership, and success conditions were moderate in the index of needs priorities, and the aspect of learning management development had a low priority index of essential needs respectively.


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How to Cite

Junepreeda, L. ., Kawmongkon, S. ., & Saipatthana, U. . (2023). Necessary Requirements for the New Management of Small Schools under the Office of Sa Kaeo Primary Education Service Area 2. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 881–892.


