Needs Assessment in Innovative Leadership Development of Elementary School Administrators of Educational Institutions under the Office of Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Needs Assessment; , Innovative Leadership of School AdministratorsAbstract
Innovative leadership is important for the management of people in the organization, it stimulates people to be creative in their work, there is a common focus or goal in working, creating good relationships within the group, creating trust between each other in the work can inspire personnel to be able to work towards the vision of the organization. Thus, the purpose of this research was to study the problems and needs necessary for the development of innovative leadership among elementary school administrators. under the Office of Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area 2. The samples used in the research were school directors. supervisor teacher and the head teacher of the subject learning group elementary school Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area, 300 people. Tools used in this research. as a questionnaire The statistics used in the research were mean and standard deviation. The needs were analyzed using a dual-response prioritization technique with Modified Priority Needs Index (PNImodified). The results showed that (1) The status quo in the development of innovative leadership models of primary school administrators. Under the Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 in general, the practice was at a moderate level. (2) Presumptive conditions for the development of innovative leadership models of primary school administrators. Under the Office of Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 in general, the conditions that should be in practice were at the highest level. (3) Necessary needs of the development of innovative leadership model of elementary school administrators Under the Office of Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, overall, their needs were at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the index of priorities of necessary needs was at a high level, consisting of being an innovative network builder. having an innovation strategy The priority index of necessary needs was at a medium level, consisting of having faith and prestige and Innovation Vision Creation and having the courage to take risks with innovation There is a low value of the priority index of needs.
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