Needs Assessment in Educational Institution Administration Using School Base of Educational Institutions under the Office of Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2




Needs Assessment; , School-based Education Administration


The approach to reforming the educational administration system is to decentralize the administration and management of education from the central part to educational institutions to local communities and to allow the community to play a role and participate in educational administration, which aims to decentralize education management, which is an important tool to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of education management to meet the needs of service recipients. Thus, This research aimed to study the current conditions and needs in the new management of small schools. under the Office of Sa Kaeo Primary Educational Service Area 2. The samples used in this research were 37 school administrators, and 203 teachers, for a total of 240 people. The tools used in this research were as a questionnaire The statistics used in the research were mean and standard deviation. The needs were analyzed using a dual-response prioritization technique with Modified Priority Needs Index (PNImodified). The results of the research were as follows: 1. The status quo in school-based education administration of educational institutions under the Office of Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, in general, was practiced at a high level. 2. Conditions that should be It was in the administration of educational institutions by using the school as the base of the educational institutions under the Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Overall, the practice was at the highest level. The needs and requirements of school-based education administration under the jurisdiction of Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 were at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the principles of checks and balances and principles of participation Have a high priority index of needs. Principles of self-management and the principle of decentralization The index of the importance of needs was at a moderate level. and the principle of returning power There is a low value of the priority index of needs. According to the order of the level of needs necessary for the administration of educational institutions using schools as the base of educational institutions under the Office of Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2.


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How to Cite

Puttirit, N., Kawmongkon, S. ., & Saipatthana, U. . (2023). Needs Assessment in Educational Institution Administration Using School Base of Educational Institutions under the Office of Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 853–866.


