Innovative Leadership of Educational School Administrators Affecting Life’s Quality in Work of Teachers under Narathiwat Secondary Educational Service Area Office
Innovative Leadership; , Quality of Working Life of TeachersAbstract
With rapid change and a unique direction in the development of an organization that focuses on novelty, innovation is essential to drive practical work to success. Leaders need innovative leadership, skillful in applying both ways of thinking, and working methods, and honest and open to reasoning for new ways to produce effective results. Thus, this research has the objective to studying the Innovative Leadership of Educational School Administrators Affecting Life’s Quality in Work of Teachers under the Narathiwat Secondary Educational Service Area Office to study the level of innovative leadership of school administrators. Under the Office of Narathiwat Secondary Education Service Area and to study the quality of working life of teachers Under the Office of Narathiwat Secondary Education Service Area using quantitative research methods The study population was 17 teachers in educational institutions under the Narathiwat Secondary Educational Service Area Office in the academic year 2021, totaling 536 teachers, using Krejcie and Morgan's ready-made table. The proportion of the population was 0.5, the tolerance level was 5%, and the confidence level was 95%. The sample group consisted of 226 people. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by mean (𝑥̅) and standard deviation (SD). The results showed that the Opinion level on innovative leadership of school administrators Overall was at a high level. with an average of 3.74. Considering each aspect, it was found that teamwork and participation with the highest mean equal to 3.98, followed by vision change with an average score of 3.95 in creating an innovative organizational atmosphere with an average of 3.71 in the use of information technology and communications with an average of 3.65 in terms of risk management The mean was 3.63 and the least creative was 3.52, respectively. Overall, it was at a high level. with an average of 3.79. When considering each aspect, it was found that work-life balance had the highest average of 4.26, followed by opportunities for advancement. with an average of 4.04 in terms of operational regulations an average of 3.72 in terms of hygienic and safe environment an average of 3.70 in the development of human abilities an average of 3.68 in terms of social integration.
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