Guidelines for the Development of Academic Administration in Private Schools under Mahasarakham Provincial Education Office




Administration; , Academic Administration; , Private Schools


Academic administration is a systematic organized process that is reliable and can be trusted because it has principles derived from scientific research, for the benefit of management, therefore, management is a social science, and when considering the management aspect in terms of real practice that requires knowledge, competence, experience and specific skills of executives to make their work successful. The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the current and desirable conditions of academic administration of private schools, and 2) study the academic administration guidelines of private schools. This study studied schools under the Maha Sarakham Provincial Office of Education. The research was divided into two phases. Phase 1 studied the current and desirable states of academic administration in private schools under the Maha Sarakham Provincial Office. The sample consisted of 262 people. The research tool was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation by using a computer program and the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI Modified) technique. Phase 2 studied the academic management guidelines of private schools under the Maha Sarakham Provincial Office. The target group consisted of 9 people, and the data was gathered through interviews and analyzed by content analysis. The results of the research were as follows: 1) the current state of academic administration in private schools at a high level. The overall and individual desirable conditions were at the highest level, and 2) the developmental guidelines for the academic administration of private schools were at the highest level in five aspects, including (1) the development and use of technological media for education, (2) academic planning, (3) the selection of textbooks for use in educational institutions, (4) the cooperation in academic development with other educational institutions and organizations, and (5) the promotion and support of academic works for individuals, families, organizations, agencies, enterprises, and other educational institutions. Academic administration can be improved through teaching, conferences, seminars, events, and ongoing help, among other things. Ongoing processes include setting up and maintaining a network or joint venture, as well as putting a lot of resources into putting technical changes into action. 


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How to Cite

Yukongpan, N., Duangchatom, K. ., & Promta, U.- rasa . (2023). Guidelines for the Development of Academic Administration in Private Schools under Mahasarakham Provincial Education Office. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 835–852.


