The Curriculum Evaluation of the Bachelor of Arts Program in Home Economics (Revised, B.E. 2561) Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University




Curriculum Evaluation; , Department of Home Economics; , Ramkhamhaeng University


Assurance of educational quality of educational institutions according to the National Education Act of 1999 has been prescribed in Section 47 to provide educational quality assurance to improve the quality and standards of education at all levels both internally and externally. And Section 48 stipulates that the parent agencies and educational institutions establish a quality assurance system within educational institutions and consider internal quality assurance as part of the educational administration process that must be carried out continuously. Thus, the objectives of this study were to 1) evaluate the degree of satisfaction of the graduates' experience in the quality of the Arts Program (Revised, B.E. 2561) 2) evaluate the satisfaction of the graduates' work and the favorable characteristics of the graduates from the Bachelor of Arts programs. and 3) evaluate the degree of satisfaction of the teacher, who is responsible for the course and teacher for the administration of the degree of the Arts Program (Revised, B.E. 2561), Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University. The data was collected by survey research from 3 target groups comprising 52 graduates, 26 employers of these graduates, 10 lecturers, and curriculum committee members. The instruments of the study consisted of a questionnaire to evaluate the graduates' satisfaction with the quality of the program, a questionnaire to evaluate the employers' satisfaction with the graduates' job competency and their desirable characteristics, and a questionnaire to evaluate the curriculum committee members and lecturers' satisfaction towards the quality of the program. The satisfaction of all three target groups was analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The research findings are as follows : (1) Firstly, the graduates expressed their overall satisfaction with the Bachelor of Arts Program in Home Economics. There are overall at the highest level, all sides were found to be very high, with the highest average: Teaching instructor, Minimum average area is learning support. (2) Graduate user satisfaction in performing and favorable characteristics of a graduate degree in the overall curriculum is high. Only interpersonal skills and responsibility were at the highest level, the rest of the group is at a very high level, while the least average area is intellectual skill. (3) the teacher in charge of the course and the teacher has a high degree of satisfaction in overall course management. The course management is only the highest level of the course management process, the rest is at a very high level, with the lowest average and medium-level areas being the contribution to learning.


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How to Cite

Rattanasiri, M., Sawangsook, P. ., Ketthongkam, P. ., Teravecharoenchai, J. ., Hongkam, T. ., & Punbua, N. . (2023). The Curriculum Evaluation of the Bachelor of Arts Program in Home Economics (Revised, B.E. 2561) Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 697–712.


