The Factors Affecting Personnel Management of School Administrators under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1




Affecting Factors; , Personnel Management;, School Administrators


Personnel management in educational institutions is an important mission aimed at promoting educational institutions to be able to perform tasks to meet the missions of educational institutions, which requires personnel management to be flexible in performing duties following good governance principles. In addition, the role of school administrators is an important stimulus for successful administration. Thus, the objectives of this research study were (1) to study the level of factors related to personnel management of school administrators. (2) to study the level of personnel management of school administrators, (3) to study the relationship between factors affecting personnel management and personnel management of school administrators, and (4) to study personnel management factors that together predicted the personnel management of school administrators. This research was held at the school under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Bangkok 1. The samples in this research were 138 teachers from the schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Bangkok 1 in the academic year 2022. The sample size was determined by using the G*power program version 3.1 and using a simple sampling method. The instrument was a rating-scale questionnaire with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .984. The data was analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, and Stepwise regression analysis. This research study found that: (1) the level of factors affecting to personnel management of school administrators overall and in each aspect was at a high level. (2) the level of personnel management of school administrators overall and in each aspect was at a high level. And (3) the relationship between factors affecting personnel management and personnel management of school administrators found that it was at a moderate level of positive correlation at a .01 level of significance (R-values = .588). And (4) the factors of administrative were 3 related factors with personnel management strategies, performance motivation, and leadership of school administrators had a positive effect on the personnel management of school administrators with the statistical significance at .05 level, and these factors could jointly explain the covariance of the personnel management of school administrators for 41.00%.


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How to Cite

Pongseng, P., & Aeamkongsee, S. . (2023). The Factors Affecting Personnel Management of School Administrators under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 593–610.


