Participation of Resident Forces, District Protection Suit to Drive Amendments Problems of Unrest in the Narathiwat Province Area




Participation;, Local Force; , Resolving Unrest in Narathiwat Province


Members of the Volunteer Guard in the Southern Border Provinces are local forces, especially members of the Volunteer Guard who perform duties in sub-district protection units that control operations with military units on the ground, to support security operations specifically as assigned by the Internal Security Operations Command. Participation is, therefore, to make people in the area feel like ownership together, have a good attitude, have independent thinking, and have decision-making power, There are various activities together that can solve problems and develop communities by themselves. Thus, this research has the objective To study the level of participation of the local forces of the sub-district protection unit in driving the problem-solving of insurgency in Narathiwat Province. using quantitative research methods, The population studied was 1,683 residents of the Tambon Protection Unit in Narathiwat Province. The researcher used the ready-made calculation formula, the sample size of Krejcie and Morgan, which determined that the proportion of the population was 0.5. With a tolerance of 5% and a confidence level of 95%, the sample size can be calculated with a small population of 10 people or more, of which the sample size is 312.88 persons. 314 persons using stratified random sampling, a stratum sampling of the population. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation (SD). The research findings were: Participation of local forces in the sub-district protection team to drive the problem-solving Unrest in Narathiwat Province Overall participation in the operation Overall, it was at a high level in all aspects. When sorted by the average from the most to the least, they were the participation in the operation, the participation in the benefits, and the participation in the evaluation and participation in decision making, respectively.


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How to Cite

Rungsai, P. ., & Sareemasae, I. . (2023). Participation of Resident Forces, District Protection Suit to Drive Amendments Problems of Unrest in the Narathiwat Province Area. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 455–468.


