Performance Efficiency of Personnel of The Sub-district Administrative Organization in Sungai Padi District, Narathiwat Province




Performance Efficiency;, Officers;, Subdistrict Administrative Organization


Sub-district Administrative Organization is a local administrative organization. It was established to decentralize administrative power to local people at the sub-district level, which is the most rural area of the country, to have the opportunity to learn to solve problems and meet their own needs. However, the Subdistrict Administrative Organization's role in managing and developing the community successfully depends on the effectiveness of the work of the personnel. Thus, the purpose of this research is (1) To study the performance efficiency level of personnel of the sub-district administrative organization in Sungai Padi district Narathiwat province. (2) To study performance factors that affect the performance efficiency level of personnel of the sub-district administrative organization in Sungai Padi district Narathiwat province. The sample group in this study was government officers of the sub-district administrative organization in Sungai Padi district Narathiwat province 291 people by purposive sampling and using questionnaires to collect data. The descriptive analysis’s statistics were frequency, percentage, mean, and Multiple Regression statistics. The result of the research showed that (1) The performance factors, incentive factors, and sustaining factors were at a high level. (2) The performance efficiency of personnel of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the area of ​​Su-ngai Padi District Narathiwat Province was also at a high level. (3) The performance factors of Individual work success, Responsibility, Policy and Administration, salary, Working environment, and Job stability affected the performance efficiency level of personnel of the sub-district administrative organization in Sungai Padi district Narathiwat province (Y) with statistical significance at the 0.05 level All 6 variables were able to explain the variation in the effectiveness of personnel of Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the area of ​​Su-ngai Padi District Narathiwat Province at 43.90%. And can write the forecasting equation in the form of raw scores as follows;

Y = 2.249 - 0.176X1 + 0.179X4 - 0.145X6 + 0.135X7 + 0.169X11 + 0.135X13


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How to Cite

Binhamad, S. ., & Sareemasae, I. . (2023). Performance Efficiency of Personnel of The Sub-district Administrative Organization in Sungai Padi District, Narathiwat Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 469–478.


