The Development of MEAs Learning Management that Affects Learning Achievement Math and Problem-Solving Skills on Univariable Linear Equation with Kahoot Application of Mathayomsuksa 1 Students
MEAs Learning Management; , Achievement Math; , Problem-Solving Skills; , Kahoot ApplicationAbstract
Management of Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) to solve problems by converting problems from the real world to mathematical problems, then linking mathematical knowledge to problem-solving, known as mathematical modeling. Mathematical connections in various ways by students can be applied to build confidence in working and solving mathematical problems as well as everyday situations. Thus, this research was to develop a learning management method using MEAs that affected learning achievement. and problem-solving skills in mathematics on linear equations in one variable in conjunction with the Kahoot application of grade 1 students. The objectives of this research were 1) to develop a MEAs learning management on one-variable linear equations; in conjunction with the Kahoot application of Mathayomsuksa 1 students to ensure that their efficiency meets the specified criteria 75/75. 2) Compare the learning achievements before and after the MEAs with the Kahoot application. 3) Compare the mathematical problem-solving skills Before and after the MEAs with the Kahoot application. The sample used in the research was Mathayomsuksa 1/7 students, semester 2, academic year 2022, Buakaw School. Kalasin Province, 33 people were obtained by cluster random sampling. The research tool was the learning management plan. Achievement tests and problem-solving skill observation from mathematical. the statistics used in the research were mean, and standard deviation. Determination of E1/E2 efficiency and t-test dependent. The research results found that 1) MEAs Learning Management on Univariable Linear Equations together with the Kahoot application of Mathayomsuksa 1 students had the criterion efficiency (E1/E2) of 75.78/76.30, indicating that the MEAs learning management on single variable linear equations together with the Kahoot app, it has a 75/75 benchmark performance.2) the problem-solving skills after school were higher than before. Statistically significant at the .05 level and 3) the student's learning achievement after school was higher than before. Statistically significant at the .05 level.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kitsadakorn Chotchan, Atchariya Promtow, Jeeranan Senajak, Akkharaphong Wongphat, Jenjira Puiwong, Nunthaporn Yingratanasuk

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