Developing a Learning Management Model to Promote the Problem-solving Capabilities Analytical for 6th Graders




Format; , Solving Analytical Problems; , Mathematics


Educational management in the 21st century requires the development of human resources to have important skills to cope with future life changes, to develop human resource potential based on multiple intelligences, teachers need to consider how to manage learning that can answer important questions. Therefore, this research has an objective; (1) To study basic information and necessary needs in developing a learning management model to promote the analytical problem-solving ability of Prathom Suksa 6 students. (2) To develop a learning management model to promote the analytical problem-solving abilities of Prathom Suksa 6 students. (3) To study the effect of using a learning management model to promote the ability to solve analytical problems of Prathom Suksa 6 students with the criteria of 70 percent. The key informants were 10 mathematics teachers at the Grade 6 level in the academic year 2021, the educational supervisors who are responsible for the mathematics learning group of 2 people, and 18 students in Prathomsuksa 6 at Kok Prasit Wittaya School. The research tools are (1) a recording group discussion, (2) a learning management model, (3) a learning management plan, (4) a problem-solving ability test, and (5) a satisfaction assessment form for learning management. The statistics used for analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test (Dependent Samples). The results showed that; (1) The problem condition of the student group found that the students could not know how to solve the problem, the problematic condition of the teachers found that the teachers still held themselves as the main importance in learning management, And the problems of service providers and educational supervisors found that lack of organization of various learning activities, lack of teaching for analytical thinking, and lack of administrators participation in the teaching and learning development process. (2) The learning management model for promoting the ability to solve analytical problems has 8 components, namely; (a) the background and significance of the form, (b) Theoretical concepts involved in the development of the model, (c)Principles of the model, (d)Purpose of the model, (e)Steps of the model, (f)Social system, (g) Response principle, (h)Support system. (3) The results of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the learning management model to promote the ability to solve analytical problems using teaching and learning activities according to the 80/80 criterion found that: Efficiency is 83.26/81.53, which is above the set criteria and is at the optimum level, and all items are at the highest level of efficiency. And the result of using the learning management model to promote the ability to solve analytical problems of Prathom Suksa 6 students was 81.53, which was higher than the established criteria.


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How to Cite

Nathongchai, J. ., Ekkapim, S. ., & Boontongtherng, P. . (2023). Developing a Learning Management Model to Promote the Problem-solving Capabilities Analytical for 6th Graders. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 83–96.


