Guidelines for Academic Administration of Small School under Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office 5
Academic Administration;, Small SchoolAbstract
Academic administration is the management of all kinds of activities related to teaching and learning, and the management of various environments that influence teaching and learning so that teaching and learning proceed smoothly, and it is like a large blood vessel that feeds the heart. The administration is therefore the most important activity of academic work that can make academic work dynamic all the time, affecting the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of education continuously. Thus, this research aims (1) to study the academic administration of small schools. According to the opinions of the school committee and teachers Under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Service Area 5. And (2) to study the guidelines for the academic administration of small schools. Under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Service Area 5 The research is divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 A study of the academic administration of small schools. According to the opinions of the school committee and teachers. The sample group was 111 people. The research tool was a 5-point estimation scale questionnaire. Phase 2 Study the guidelines for academic administration in small schools. The target group is 9 people. The research tool was a structured interview on the recommendations for academic administration in small schools. The research results found that (1) The condition of academic administration of small schools According to the opinions of the school committee and teachers Under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Service Area 5 The overall level is very high. (2) The results of a study of the guidelines for the academic administration of small schools. According to the opinions of the school committee and teachers Under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Service Area 5 There are four approaches to the conclusion: (2.1) Learning process development There should be a group to exchange knowledge share resources and develop a collaborative learning process. (2.2) Development of internal quality assurance systems and educational standards Training on internal quality assurance and educational standards should be provided at least once a year. (2.3) Cooperation in academic development with other educational institutes and organizations common between small schools Should promote, support, and cooperate in academic development with other educational institutes and organizations together. And (2.4) Educational Supervision The consultation meeting should be encouraged to discuss the guidelines for common education.
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