The Development of English Vocabulary Pronunciation and Spelling Learning of Grade 5 Students by Using Phonic Teaching Method
Learning Development; , Vocabulary Pronunciation and Spelling; , Phonic Teaching MethodAbstract
The development of English Vocabulary Pronunciation and Spelling Learning by Using the Phonic Teaching Method is the method of teaching and learning activity to solve the problem of reading aloud and spelling English vocabulary which the researcher used in the classroom mainly to help the students to understand the principle of phonics by comparing each phoneme and then combining them to form a syllable or words which will promote students to read aloud and spell words correctly. It is another way for students to develop their reading skills and be able to apply the experience gained from learning to everyday life. The purposes of this study were to (1) develop English Vocabulary Pronunciation and Spelling Learning of grade 5 students by Using Phonic Teaching Method had met the standard criterion set at 75/75. (2) study the effectiveness index (E.I) of the developed English Vocabulary Pronunciation and Spelling Learning of Grade 5 students by using the Phonic Teaching Method from–test, and Post-test. (3) compare the development of English Vocabulary Pronunciation and Spelling Learning of Grade 5 Students by Using Phonic Teaching Method. (4) study the satisfaction of students with English Vocabularies Pronunciation and Spelling Learning activities by Using Phonic Teaching Method. The subjects of this study were 45 students of grade 5/2 at The Holy Infant Jesus Mahasarakham School who enrolled in the second semester of the academic year 2019. The instruments used in conducting this study were; (1) 16 lesson plans, (2) a 30- item of 4 alternatives multiple choices of English Vocabularies Pronunciation and Spelling test, and (3) a questionnaire of satisfaction on English Vocabulary Pronunciation and Spelling Learning activity by Using Phonic Teaching Method. The statistics used in data analysis were means, standard deviation, percentage, and t-test. The results of this study were: (1) The lesson plans for English Vocabularies Pronunciation and Spelling Learning by using the Phonic Teaching Method developed by the researcher revealed efficiency at 82.37/79.86 which was higher than the standard criteria set at 75/75. (2) The effectiveness index of the English Vocabularies Pronunciation and Spelling Learning by Using Phonic Teaching Method suggested at 0.514 The finding expressed those students had gained their learning progress at 51.40%. (3) The result of the development of English Vocabulary Pronunciation and Spelling Learning of Grade 5 Students by Using Phonic Teaching Method was statistically significant at .05. And (4) The satisfaction of target students to English Vocabularies Pronunciation and Spelling Learning Activities by Using Phonic Teaching Method revealed at 4.41 suggested in a high level.
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