Relationship of Corporate Governance Affecting the Impacts to Financial Cost is Listed Company in Stock Exchange of Thailand
Relationship; , Corporate Governance; , Financial Cost; , Listed Company; , Stock Exchange of ThailandAbstract
Good corporate governance it will shows that the company has a management system, quality management, transparency, and consideration for all stakeholders to influence building the confidence of the investors' listed company in the stock exchange of Thailand. This study aims to analyze the relationship between corporate governance affecting the impacts on the financial cost is listed companies in the stock exchange of Thailand. Data collection is to be obtained from secondary data of Form 56-1, and annual financial statements, 2021 amount 481 samples data. Data analysis by descriptive statistical analysis, mean, and standard deviation, analyzed the relationship (r) by Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Results of the relationship of corporate governance affecting the impacts to financial cost to positive correlation at highest levels to the significance of (r = 0.2124, p-value = 0.0000) in the same direction from corporate governance to the proportion of independent directors, the cost of equity, the ratio of debt and equity, the size of assets are listed company in the stock exchange of Thailand.
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