Strategic Leadership and Organizational Culture on the Efficiency of Local Administrative Organizations in That Phanom District Nakhon Phanom Province
Strategic Leadership; , Organizational Culture; , Local administrative Organization EfficiencyAbstract
Administration of the local government organization Executive Strategic Leadership and organizational culture It is an important factor affecting the efficiency of local government organizations. And is the heart of the success of the operation of local government organizations. The purposes of the study included the following: (1) To study the level of strategic leadership organizational culture and the efficiency of local government organizations. (2) to study the influence of strategic leadership on the Efficiency of local government organizations. (3) To study the influence of organizational culture on the efficiency of local administrative organizations. The sample group was personnel. working in local administrative organizations in That Phanom District Nakhon Phanom Province, amounting to 230 people using a hierarchical sampling method The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data. The reliability of the whole issue was .814 and the statistics used in the data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. and multiple regression analysis. The Research revealed these results: (1) Strategic Leadership of Local Administrators overall, was at a high level. The Organizational culture of local administrative organizations overall was at a high level. And the efficiency of local administrative organizations overall was at a high level. (2) Strategic leadership variables were able to jointly predict the efficiency level of local governments was 37.80 percent with statistical significance at the .05 level. The variable with the highest standard regression coefficient was organizational resource management (β=.681), followed by organizational culture promotion (β=. 658). (3) Organizational culture variables could jointly predict the efficiency level of local administrative organizations, 58.40 percent The variables with the highest standard regression coefficients were participation culture (β=.560), adaptation culture (β=.258), mission culture (β=.169) and Unity culture (β=.163).
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