Academic Leadership of School Administrators under the Local Administrative Organization in Roi Et Province




Academic Leadership; , Educational Administration; , Local Administrative Organizations in Roi Et Province


Leadership of executives is the most important thing in management to succeed, resulting in quality work, at present, the development of the quality of administrators in the era of educational reform requires the characteristics and behavior of administrators that place importance on academic leadership. The purposes of this research were (1) to study the academic leadership of school administrators. And (2) to compare the academic leadership of school administrators classified by local government organization type, work experience, and educational level. This study was conducted with schools under the local government organization in Roi Et Province. The sample group used in this research was 285 educational institute administrators working under the local administrative organization in Roi Et Province. The research tool was a questionnaire on the academic leadership of school administrators. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and for hypothesis, testing were independent t-tests and F-tests. The results showed that (1) Overall opinions towards academic leadership of educational institute administrators under local government organizations in Roi Et Province were at a high level. And (2) the opinions on academic leadership of educational institute administrators classified by type of local government organization, work experience, and educational level overall and each aspect was not different.


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How to Cite

Tisarat, K. . (2023). Academic Leadership of School Administrators under the Local Administrative Organization in Roi Et Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 35–48.


