Developing Design Potential and Creating Product Images to Promote Creative Tourism Business for Mae Hong Son Province Community Entrepreneurs




Product Design; , Visual Image; , Creative Economy Tourism; , Local Entrepreneurship; , Mae Hong So


The creative tourism business will be an important part of creating added value from design or aesthetic innovation to develop the tourism industry and create consistency with the creative economy policy to foster a sustainable society. One of this research article's main objectives is to develop the potential for designing and creating the image of products in Mae Hong Son by exploring and analyzing the unique cultural and natural heritage. The goal is to design new product prototypes that can expand cultural and creative business opportunities, creating added value and promoting sustainable development in society. Additionally, the research aims to share knowledge and showcase new product designs to support creative tourism businesses in Mae Hong Son province. Apart from this, focusing on developing efficiency in managing local resources is instilling the attitude of consuming wisdom products from the database of its province's natural and cultural heritage, consisting of 24 local enterprises. In addition to the output, a contemporary asset product will be the basis for the development, adding value to the targeted industries by strengthening the community economy to grow steadily. Furthermore, new product designs support local workers to participate in the community and increase their potential in creative design skills to become the owner of the local wisdom of the future in the 21st century and prepare to raise the level of competitiveness. Or expand trade opportunities in the contemporary cultural products business.


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How to Cite

Nakpan, K. . (2023). Developing Design Potential and Creating Product Images to Promote Creative Tourism Business for Mae Hong Son Province Community Entrepreneurs. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(1), 633–648.