English Reading Skills Development by Collaborative Learning Management as well as Skill Training for Grade 3 Students
English Reading Skills; , Cooperative Learning Management; , Skills ExercisesAbstract
Cooperative Learning Skills Development is a method of teaching English reading skills that results in students learning comprehension of English, can help students increase their reading comprehension. To be a guideline to improve teachers' English teaching, especially English reading skills, to be effective and effective, suitable for the level of language proficiency of students, which is the basis for learning English. This research aim (1) to develop a collaborative learning activity with skill exercises. for grade 3 students who achieved 75/75 criterion. (2) to compare reading skills in English before and after school; by collaborative learning management as well as skill training of students in grade 3. And (3) to study the students' satisfaction with learning by collaborative learning management as well as skill training For Grade 3 students, the target group is Grade 3 students at Ban Nong Saeng School, Na Chueak District Maha Sarakham Province under the Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, there were 16 people. The results of the study found that; (1) Developing English reading skills by collaborative learning management as well as skill training For Grade 3 students, the efficiency was 87.60/76.80, which was higher than the threshold of 75/75. (2) English reading achievement. by collaborative learning management as well as skill training For grade 3 students, it was significantly higher than before at the .01 level. And (3) Grade 3 students were satisfied with improving their English reading skills. by collaborative learning management as well as skill training Overall, it's at the highest level. The mean was 4.54 standard deviation was 0.54
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