The Instruction of Thai Manners Using Role-play Learning Management Integrated with Video Streaming : Ban Huana School
Thai Manners;, Role-playing; , Video StreamingAbstract
Thai Manners is a social culture that everyone must adhere to as a code of conduct to adapt to society. Manners are part of the way of life as a cultural heritage. Thai Manners are a part that shows prosperity and shows orderliness, traditions, and culture. However, role-playing learning is a process that an instructor uses to help learners achieve specific learning objectives by having them role-play in simulated situations, which are close to reality and expresses according to one's feelings and thoughts. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to investigate the effectiveness of Role Play Learning Management integrated with video streaming in Thai manner instruction of Pratomsuksa 6 students in Huana School. The samples were 22 students in the second semester of the academic year 2017, Ban Huana School Maha Sarakham Province. The instruments were learning management in the 7th unit entitled Cultures in the Thai Society of Social, Religious, and Cultural Studies course for Pratomsuksa 6 students of Huana School, a behavior observation form, and a Thai manner evaluation form. The results of the study indicate that; (1) The role-play learning management integrated with video streaming consisted of 7 components including the introduction of role-playing, character selection, observation, role-playing, discussion, conclusion, and evaluation. The manners in standing, sitting, walking, and napping of the participants were average of 2.06 fair-quality levels. (2) In terms of Thai manner evaluation, the participants’ passing and receiving items, table manners, and showing respect It has an average of 2.44 fair-quality levels. And (3) In terms of manners in conversation and word choices, the participants It has an average of 2.97 good quality levels.
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