School Administrative Skills in the 21st Century of School Administrators under Vocational Education, Udon Thani Province




School Administration Skills; , School Administration in the 21st Century; , Vocational Education in Udon Thani Province


Leadership education in the 21st century for executives is important. Because administrators are people who will drive educational institutions to develop towards the goals of educational management, leading educational institutions to achieve their missions, creating quality for the future based on 21st-century skills, and seriously following up and supervising the operations. The purposes of this research were (1) to study school administration skills in the 21st century of school administrators. And (2) comparing the 21st-century school administration skills of school administrators classified by sex, education level, and work experience. The population for this research was 339 civil servants in state educational institutions under the Office of Vocational Education in Udon Thani Province in the academic year 2022, and a sample of 182 people. The research tool was the questionnaire on school administration skills in the 21st century. The statistics were used to analyze the data using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and one-way analysis of variance (F-test, One Way ANOVA). The results showed that; (1) the school management skills in the 21st century of school administrators in communication, analytical and synthetic thinking, interpersonal skills, conceptual thinking, knowledge and responsibility, and technical skills by included at a high level. And (2) to compare the school administration skills in 21st century of school administrators; (a) Classified by sex, it was found that different sexes had no different overall opinions. (b) Classified by education level, it was found that different educational levels had different overall opinions at statistical significance at the .05 level. And (b) Classified by work experience found that different work experiences had different overall opinions at the statistical significance level of .05.


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How to Cite

Othatavong, W. . (2023). School Administrative Skills in the 21st Century of School Administrators under Vocational Education, Udon Thani Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 271–284.


