The Performance of Morale Teachers in Schools Under the Office of Special Education Administration in Lopburi Province




Morale and Encouragement; , Operations; , Office of Special Education Administration


The management of the school administrators must make the personnel in the organization feel the desire to perform their duties and dedicate themselves to the success of the work. Even if an organization acquires competent people to work and can use those people to match their competencies, but lacks morale or motivation to perform tasks, it will be expected that those people will work. To be full of knowledge and ability and to get work that comes out efficiently and effectively is not possible. The objectives of this research were (1) to study the morale and morale in the performance of teachers. And (2) comparing teachers' performance morale by gender, education level, and work experience. This research was conducted with schools under the Office of Special Education Administration in Lopburi Province. The population for this research was 212 school teachers under the Office of Special Education Administration in Lopburi Province. The research tool was a questionnaire on teachers' morale and morale. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, population mean, and standard deviation, t-test, F-test. The results showed that (1) overall teacher morale was at the highest level when considering each side, it was found that the motivation factor for job success was at the highest level. And (2) the results of comparing teachers' morale and performance were found that; (a) classified by gender overall, each aspect and each item is no different. (b) Classified by the level of education, the overall picture of each aspect and each item is no different. And (c) Classified by work experience, the overall aspect and item are not different.


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How to Cite

Sarika, R. . (2023). The Performance of Morale Teachers in Schools Under the Office of Special Education Administration in Lopburi Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 227–240.


