The Use of Information Technology in the Administration of Educational Institutions under the Office of Special Education Administration in Lopburi Province
Information Technology Using; , School Administration; , Lopburi Provincial Special Education Administration OfficeAbstract
The use of information technology in the management of various tasks to makes the administration highly efficient, economical, and effective. Modern administrators at all levels, therefore, bring innovation and information technology to use because it helps to make quick operational decisions in education management and various long-term education planning decisions, helps solve school education management problems and can Decide on a solution or manage it effectively. The purposes of this research were (1) to study the use of information technology in school administration. And (2) comparing the use of information technology in school administration classified by sex, education level, and work experience. This study was conducted with schools under the Office of Special Education Administration in Lopburi Province. The population used in this research was 212 teachers at schools under the Office of Special Education Administration, Lopburi Province. The research tool was a questionnaire on the use of information technology in school administration. Statistics used in the research were frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, F-test, and t-test. The results showed that; (1) The overall educational institute administrators' opinions on the use of information technology in the administration were at a high level. And (2) a comparative analysis of opinions on the use of information technology in the administration of school administrators found that; (a) classified by gender as a whole and by gender not different. (b) Classified by the level of education were not different overall, while considering the aspects found that there were differences in budget management and general administration. And (c) classified by position, the overall work experience was different while considering the aspects of academic management, budget management, personnel management, and general management, there were differences.
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