Problems and Guidelines of Student Support System Operation of Schools under the Office of Yasothon Primary Education Service Area 2




Student Support System; , Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area Office 2; , Operational Problems


The student support system is the care and support for the students with the teacher advisor as the main person and there is a systematic work process to prevent, solve problems, and promote the development of students to have desirable characteristics. The student care and support system are a systematic process of caring, and helping students with steps, with a teacher advisor as the main worker. Therefore, this research has the following objectives (1) To study the problem of student advisory care system implementation. And 2) to compare the problems of student support system implementation of advisor teachers classified by gender, work experience, and educational background. The sample group was 95 school advisors under the Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 totaling 95 people. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire on student support system operation problems. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test. The results showed that; (1) The problems in the overall operation of the student care and support system were at a high level. (2) Problems in the operation of the student support system classified by sex found that the overall mean was not different, when considering each side, it was found that the student referral was significantly different at .05, the female advisors had more problems in implementing the student support system than male advisors. (3) Problems in the operation of the student support system classified by work experience found that the overall average and each aspect were not different. And (4) Problems in the operation of the student support system classified by educational qualification found that the overall average and each aspect were not different.


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How to Cite

Rattanawan, A. . (2023). Problems and Guidelines of Student Support System Operation of Schools under the Office of Yasothon Primary Education Service Area 2. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 429–442.


