A Study of Academic Performance Factors of Prathom Sueksa Six Students
Academic Performance; , Exploratory Factor Analysis; , Prathom Sueksa Six StudentsAbstract
A student's academic ability is an important feature and one of the important goals of education. This is because the success or failure of any educational institution depends largely on the academic abilities of its students. Thus, the objective of this research was to analyze the academic performance factors of Prathomsueksa Six students. The sample population consisted of 1,424 Prathomsueksa Six students studying in the first semester of the academic year 2022 at schools under the Pathum Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office using the technique of multi-stage sampling. Data were collected employing a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the technique of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with factor extraction of oblique rotation with the direct oblimin method. Findings showed that there were twelve academic performance factors of the students under study that could be explanatory of this research at 13.236, 7.194, 6.413, 4.904, 4.711, 4.593, 4.558, 4.396, 4.272, 4.182, 4.064, and 3.966 percent, respectively. These factors consisted of teamwork and learning stimulation; helping and self-management; learning support and self-directing; learning challenges; classroom characteristics; learning effort; communicating with peers; setting tables and chairs; questioning when having doubts; attitudes and motivations towards learning; social acceptance facilities; and problem-solving in learning.
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