Construction of a Diagnostic Test for Mathematical Problem-Solving of Prathomsuksa 3 Students in Schools under Taling Chan District Office, Bangkok
Diagnostic Test; , Mathematics Problem-solving; , Language Comprehension in Problem-solving of Prathomsuksa 3 StudentsAbstract
Solving math problems is one of the learning processes that students should practice and develop themselves to develop this skill. This is to create a new body of knowledge to know how to apply and modify methods to solve problems as appropriate, and to know how to investigate and reflect on the problem-solving process. However, in the construction of mathematical problem-solving diagnostic tests, the importance of problem-solving steps was emphasized. Thus, the objectives of this research were (1) to construct a diagnostic test for mathematical problem-solving and (2) to analyze the shortcomings in solving mathematical problems that were found after using the test. Samples were 296 Prathomsuksa 3 students in the schools under Taling Chan District Office, Bangkok using a multi-stage random sampling technique. Data were collected by using the diagnostic test for mathematical problem-solving. The test is divided into 2 parts; the language comprehension test, and the mathematical problem-solving test. And the test examined content validity, reliability, item difficulty, and item discrimination to show test quality. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. The research results found that (1) The content validity of all items in the language comprehension test showed the IOC index equal to 1.00 and also showed the same index in the mathematical problem-solving test. (2) The reliability of the language comprehension test was .97 and the mathematical problem-solving test was .98. (3) The language comprehension test had an item difficulty index between 0.51 to 0.62 and an item discrimination index between 0.62 to 0.90. The mathematical problem-solving test had an item difficulty index between 0.11 to 0.66 and an item discrimination index between 0.21 to 0.90. (4) The most shortcomings were found in students who got grade scores of 2 and 2.5. In the language comprehension test. It showed that 4 over 5 kinds of calculation methods and all steps of mathematical problem solving were wrong.
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