Academic Administration Schools under the Municipality of Chaiyaphum
Academic Administration; , Chaiyaphum MunicipalityAbstract
Academic administration is an important task for school administrators, with academics being the heart of educational administration because the aim of educational institutions is to provide quality education, which depends entirely on academic work. Academic work is a management activity related to curriculum and teaching work, ranging from academic planning, teaching and learning operations, service management, teaching, as well as measurement and evaluation, Including monitoring results and teaching materials, including the development of teachers, as well as the operation of the school must be in accordance with the curriculum. This research aims to (1) study of the academic administration of schools under Chaiyaphum Municipality. And (2) comparing the level of opinions towards the academic administration of schools under Chaiyaphum Municipality classified by gender, age, and schools under affiliation. The population for this study was 125 teachers of schools under the municipality of Chaiyaphum Province, Chaiyaphum Province. The research tool was a questionnaire on opinions on academic administration. The statistics used in the research were frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, F-test, and t-test. The results showed that: (1) The results of the data analysis on the level of opinions towards the academic administration of schools under the Chaiyaphum municipality overall were at a high level. And (2) a comparative analysis of opinions on academic administration of schools under Chaiyaphum Municipality found that: (a) classified by gender as a whole and not different from each other, (b) classified by age there is no difference overall, and (c) classified by affiliated schools overall were not different with statistical significance at the .05 level.
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