Student Affairs Administration Problems Educational Institutions under the Sisaket Provincial Administrative Organization
Management Problems; , Student Affairs; , Sisaket Provincial Administrative OrganizationAbstract
Student affairs are considered to be one of the important tasks of general administration, including student affairs, which includes supervision of student conduct and discipline, guidance and funding, student activities, Lunch service, health service, security service, student activities aimed at promoting the quality of students in addition to normal teaching. This research aims to (1) study the level of problems in student affairs administration at educational institutions under the Sisaket Provincial Administrative Organization. And (2) comparing the level of problems, and opinions of personnel on student affairs administration problems from educational institutions under the Sisaket Provincial Administrative Organization classified by sex, education level, age, and work experience in student affairs. The population in this study was 1,452 school personnel under Sisaket Provincial Administrative Organization using a sample of 316 people. The research tool was a questionnaire on student affairs administration problems. The statistics used in the research were frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, F-test, and t-test. The results showed that; (1) The overall level of opinions on student affairs administration problems of educational institutions under the Sisaket Provincial Administrative Organization was at a moderate level. And (2) the results of a comparative analysis of the level of opinions on student affairs administration problems from educational institutions under the Sisaket Provincial Administrative Organization found that: (a) Classified by sex overall is not different. (b) Classified by the level of education overall is not different. (c) Classified by age in general and in each aspect is not different. And (d) classified by experience in student affairs as a whole and in each aspect were not different.
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